Phone: (843) 407-6488 or (843) 773-0974
Fax: (843) 667-3288
*For all billing inquiries please give our office a call
Located at: 1921 W. Sumter St. Florence, S.C. 29501
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4007 Florence, S.C. 29502
Interested in working with MedWay then send your information and resume to... Email: w.lewis@medwaysc.com
Wayne Lewis, CEO/EMS Director
Email: w.lewis@medwaysc.com
Amber Lewis, CFO/Office Manager
Email: a.lewis@medwaysc.com
Marianne Taylor, Billing Specialist/Office Assistant
Email: m.taylor@medwaysc.com
Kathryn Huggins, Operations Supervisor/EMT-B
Email: k.huggins@medwaysc.com
Desiree Casselman, Dispatch
Email: mwdispatch@medwaysc.com
Danny Taylor, Training Officer/Paramedic